
Friday, August 30, 2013

Fortune Favors the Brave

One of my favorite quotes is "fortune favors the brave" but I'm here to tell you I am NOT the brave. I'm not big on change. In fact the only thing I've ever prayed for is a normal life with normal children, nothing extraordinary need it happen as long as I had those things. And so far I've gotten my wish. But something exciting is happening in our family. 

Bub was accepted into the art and technology elementary program in our school parish and we're pretty excited even if I've managed to screw it up so far. Right now he is not technically in any school because no one explained to me that it takes up to 24 hours to actually withdraw a child from a school. It's so strange to me that I have to withdraw him when he is only transferring within the same school system. It seems antiquated. But that's how they do it. So the transfer is not going as smoothly as I would have liked.

But I am hoping that once there he really gets to explore the arts and learn different things that would not be available in a regular public elementary school. I think his energy level will be useful there though it is still a public school so there are still the regular classes and such which is fine because he does need to learn how to read and do math. It's the extra arts and tech that I am excited about. 

The transportation system has been a worry to me. Because I honestly don't want him on the bus forever but then I can't drop him off and pick him up everyday either. I don't have that kind of time at work to pop in and out all day. So we are doing the easiest thing first and having him ride the bus. And if that doesn't work out then we will go to Plan B whatever that might be. 

At any rate, it's exciting and scary and a really great oppurunity. If only I can actually get him registered at that school...

Thursday, August 22, 2013


It's been a busy week for me. I had a lot of meetings Monday - Thursday, much more than I usually have. I'm working with another librarian to put together a new program for the librarians and it has been a bit of headache but hopefully the work will pay out. Plus, at home, we are still getting back into the school routine. This is the first week with homework and neither Bub and I are that enthusiastic about it. Luckily it is just one math sheet and then I'm making him go over his sight words but still. I forgot how much extra school adds to our nightly routine. Add to that a general sense of sadness and this has been one of the longest weeks. I'll be grateful when it is over. This weekend should be fun at least.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Older and Far Away

It's a good thing that emotions are allowed be complicated and conflicted. On one hand, everyone (mostly our sisters) seems to be moving and moving on, happy with their futures and their prospects and all that it entails. And on that hand I am happy for them. It's good for them to be growing and developing their futures. I am grateful that they have these kinds of opportunities.

But on the other hand, I am sad. I am sad they are going and leaving us behind. That the future I had envisioned has been torn down and the new future isn't as pretty as it once was. That my kids are out of aunts and uncles who live nearby. I am sad because I will miss them.

And I know it's just one of those things. That sometimes jobs end and new jobs need to be found. That new opportunities come up in far away places. That the only person who can never leave never will and I should just be happy about that. That I can't have it all and it was selfish to think that I could.

The theme of this year seems to have become moving away. I sincerely hope this isn't a trend that continues. I am tired of it right now.

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Ideal Situation

A while back I left work at 2:00 to take care of Button so BT could go to work early. I picked up Bub after school and we did normal after school stuff.  Right now I usually only pick him up on Friday afternoons when I get off of work. But this was a Tuesday and it was nice. I realized then what my ideal situation would be. I like picking Bub up from school and having more time in the afternoon/evening to take care of things. As it is right now everything is so rushed from getting dinner on the table to doing homework to having baths and story times and getting them both to bed at a decent time. Granted these things will be easier once BT gets a daytime job and is home at night to help. But even then I think my ideal would be to work from about 9:30 to 1:30 but earlier if necessary. Button could go to a Mother's Day out program at a nearby church. I'd have plenty of time to go get her and then to pick him up later. And we could spend time together at a more relaxed pace. I could get out and do the work that I like and she would get social time with babies her age. So this would be the ideal.

The ideal ideal would be to have work at home job. Every now and then I look at jobs that are library related and allow telecommuting. I just haven't found one that would be right for me. In that situation Button would still go to a Mother's Day out program so I could work and she could get out. I would love that so much. I don't know if I will ever get to do either of these things. It would be great though.