
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Re: 18 Things to Do Whenever

So last week Maureen Johnson posted a list in response to this list about 18 things to do before age 18. Here is what she said.

18 Things to Do Whenever

In response, I have developed my own list of 18 things that you can do AT ANY TIME. I remove the pressure of age—so if you are about to turn 18, or if you have long ago turned 18—it’s all good. These are 18 sensible, achievable things.

Here is my answer.

1. Blog every day in April

so far so good on that one.

2. Make some soup

I have never made soup except the in-the-can kind. My husband is a very good cook and has made many a homemade delicious soup.

3. Get a hat

I have a couple of hats. My favorite is a black Google hat that says "Feeling Lucky" on the back that I wear to the beach.

4. Read a book

This I have accomplished many times over. You know how in school the teachers always asks how many books you read over the summer, not counting required reading. I was one of the kids who read way too many.

5. Make a friend

Sadly, I don't have a ton of friends but the friends I do have are high quality. We don't hang out much, but it is always fun to see them and we e-mail a lot. I have also begun some very nice conversation on the ning with other BEDAers.

6. Say something nice to someone

I try to be nice to people. Sometimes I am not but for the most part I think I do okay. I always say nice things to my kid and sometimes to my husband!

7. Work on your moves

I got skillz you never dreamed existed. But I will work on them.

8. Speak for an entire day in a fake accent

I have never done this. I don't know if I could. I did use to spend certain days pretending I was mute and writing everything down when I was small.

9. Cultivate a completely imaginary relationship with someone famous

I'll try my best. I can't think of anyone though, off the top of my head though.

10. Do something completely sekrit

I'm not good at keeping things sekrit. My own stuff anyway, other people's stuff, yes.

11. Go into a store and pretend not to know how something works

I can imagine doing this. I'm not one to be noticed.

12. Spend one week completely offline

I really need to do this. It will be hard with my job though. But I need to get off the computer at home.

13. Plan to go somewhere

I am planning a trip to my in-laws soon and a trip to Florida this summer.

14. Hit the shiny red button

When I find one, check.

15. Write to me (Maureen)

I have done this via Twitter and Facebook. Sometimes I respond but I don't know how clever I am.

16. Learn to sew on a button


17. Admit it

I admit nothing.

18. Try again tomorrow

I always do.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so much better than I am at this whole BEDA thing! I'm about to bring the laptop to bed and see if that actually works tonight ...

    Finger painting with lotion is SO easy. Take a cookie tray, add lotion (preferably the cheap kind - or the kind that smells awful that you got for Christmas last year - or some you want to use up), and let your bambino swirl her fingers around to her heart's delight! I'm thinking of investing in lotion coloring so I can add one drop of blue to this side and one drop of red to this side and she can enjoy how it all moshes together.

    This isn't finger painting for creating artwork, it's finger painting for fun play time! (:

    I found it especially funny this last time because after I put the lotion on the tray for Kaylee, I rubbed some on my belly (because I'm 8 months pregnant) ... so then Kaylee had to stop every few seconds to rub lotion on her belly.
