
Thursday, April 23, 2009

What happens when you go to the mall after a migraine?

There was no new Lost on last night and I didn't get a chance to watch the special yet. As you may know though, I had a migraine that started Friday night and lasted through Saturday night. Sunday I was feeling much better and, since my original weekend plans were to go summer clothes shopping for the little boy on Saturday, I decided to go ahead on do that.

Now I don't like the mall on a normal feeling okay day so what possessed me to think I would enjoy going there after a debilitating headache I really don't know. But I called my mom, who had Bubbie at the time, and she agreed to go with me. She brought him over and we packed up and went. So we went to a few places that I like to get his clothes (besides Target but I wasn't going there too). I usually go to The Children's Place since the shorts have an adjustable waist and this is key to getting his pants on his skinny butt. I'm not kidding, he is 2 years (28 months) and he still fits into his 18 month shorts from last summer. This is good in a way because I can make shorts last 2 summers although by the end of the summer he will (hopefully) be too big for the 18 month shorts.

But I we hit The Children's Place and I get him some T-shirts and underwear for when he starts potty training (Please be soon!) and my mom got him some shorts. We went to Gymboree but they are so expensive (I use to work there) and it is a small store (well, not at that exact store) so we left (but for the company). My husband just happened to be visiting the kiosk that he runs there (he has a bigger store too) so that was nice (he manages a coffee shop). Then we hit up JcPenny's and that was jackpot. Penny's always has good sales and I like the Okie Dokie clothes because they are good play clothes and wash really well. Bubbie is hard on his clothes. So between the two of us we got him some good shirts and shorts and I got him 2 outfit sets because it was buy one get for 88¢ ! But I started to feel tired so it was time to leave. Bubbie was so good the whole time and stayed in his stroller except at Gymboree when I let him out to go watch the TV and play with the other kids.

So we stopped and got him some sandals and then my mom decided she wanted lunch. By this time I was getting really tired but I agreed but really didn't have an appetite. We stopped at a deli and I was getting really hot (I think I might have had a fever) and Bubbie decided he wanted to run away which I generally discourage. So we had a little battle of wills and I finally took him outside to calm down. Then he was wet from either spilling juice or his diaper or both. So I decided to put a pair of the new shorts on him and my mom gave me her keys. Now I always park in one particular area when I got to this restaurant but my mom had parked somewhere completely different. So I go out and am trying to unlock her car and keep hitting the button but it won't open! So I tried unlocking it with the key but the key didn't fit. This should have given me a clue but I was hot and tired and feeling sick so my brain was non-functioning. I went back in and was like It doesn't work and she said she would try and walked out the completely opposite door. It turned out I was trying to open someone else's car for like 5 minutes. In my defense, it was parked where I always park and looked exactly like my mom's car. If she had just looked out the window, she would have seen me doing this. We went home and the boy and I laid down after that.


  1. You are a brave woman!

    So what happened? Were you okay? I hate crowded or noisy malls - post migraine, I'd be terrified.

    How's the head feeling a few days out?

  2. I just got weak and slightly feverish and tried to open someone else's car. It was not one of my better ideas.

    I'm feeling better. I think I may have discovered the cause, but we will see next month if it happens again. If so, then I'm going to have to see a doctor.
