
Monday, August 18, 2014

A post about coffee

I can't pretend to be some kind of coffee connoisseur. That would be my husband, but I like coffee. For a long time I added a little milk and some Ovaltine to my coffee every morning since I'm not up to drinking it black. Then I started getting flavored coffee pods when we got our Keuring and it escalated from there. I found a caramel macchiato flavor at Target and that was extra good with some condensed milk added it.

Lately, though,  I've been buying flavored coffee creamer to add to my Community Coffee Breakfast Blend. Community Coffee is a Louisiana based coffee company and it's the brand
my parents have always use and, consequently, so do I (also BT worked for them for 3 years). I've tried Salted Caramel Mocha, Caramel Macchiato and Southern Butter Pecan and have enjoyed them all. The last couple of weeks I've been buying the International Delight iced coffees and, inspired by the Internet, adding frozen coffee cubes to it. My mom gave me a whole bunch of french vanilla coffee pods that I didn't really like. But I started freezing them and it turns out that the internet is right. They make good ice for cold coffee drinks. I just add 2 of those and then pour the iced coffee over it and go and it doesn't get watered down. It's a good summer morning drink. 

It's starting to feel more like fall lately especially since Bub started 2nd grade last week so I'm looking forward to some Pumpkin Spice lattes and going back to hot coffee drinks. I've found the older I get the more I look forward to a cup of coffee in the morning.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Pregnancy nostalgia

It seems to be baby time or at least it is on my Facebook feed. Several people have announced pregnancies for late this year or early 2015. I got a little sentimental thinking about being newly pregnant with my kids. I never did an elaborate announcement like Pinterest shows. I was pregnant with Bub before Facebook was the thing that it is now. So that was mostly a word of mouth type thing.

I remember sitting at my desk and feeling woozy. We weren't really trying for a baby yet (the time was set for a few months from then) but it was still a possibility and as soon as I felt that I began to suspect. I stopped and bought 1 pregnancy test and as soon as I got home I took it. When I saw those 2 lines, I freaked out. I ran back to the store and bought more tests and took 2 more. All came back positive almost immediately. I called my BFF-cousin because I knew that out of everyone she would be level-headed about it and I certainly didn't want to tell BT over the phone. She reassured me and I called the doctor. The nurse had me come in and do a pregnancy test, basically what I had just done 3 of at home and she confirmed it. We were leaving that afternoon to go to BT's grandfather's funeral so I had to pick BT up at work. On the way to do that I was trying to figure out how to tell him but, in the end, he got in the car, I burst into tears and told him I was pregnant. He was very happy about it. It was almost time anyway. We told BT's parents that night by bascially saying "You know how you just became grandparents? You ready to do it again?"(the Nephew had just been born) and then my parents when we got home. Nothing very clever. Well except my whole life anytime I wanted to talk to my mom, she'd start the conversation with "You're not pregnant, are you?" So I sat down and said "Hey, remember how anytime I wanted to talk to you, you'd say 'You're not pregnant, are you?' Well I want to talk to you." She got it and my parents were super happy.

For Button, I had this feeling that I wanted to keep it to myself for just a little bit. Bub belong to everyone almost right away and I wanted this one for myself. She was definitely planned so it was not surprising. Since we were trying, I bought some pregnancy tests and had them at the house. One Friday before I was suppose to start my period, I took one and it came back with the faintest line but I knew. So the next day I went out and bought a pack of newborn diapers and made a card that said "You ready to do this again?" and tied a positive pregnancy test to the diapers with the note and put it on the table. I thought BT would see it right away but, I swear, the man has some sort of tunnel vision. I sent him to the kitchen at least 3 times thinking he would see it. But no, finally, I had to tell him to go look on the table. It was a little anticlimactic. We told my parents a few weeks later by putting a Big Brother t-shirt on Bub. My mom was home alone and I had to direct her to look at his shirt and then my sister and dad when they got home. We put the same shirt on Bub a few weeks after that when we went to the beach for Labor Day with BT's family. They saw it right away so that was gratifying.

I look at my kids and it's funny to think about before I had them, when I just found out I was pregnant and now here they are such amazing little people.