I realized that I didn't make any resolutions. Last year I resolved to lose weight which I did though I didn't start trying in earnest until the middle of the year. But still I did alright. This year I resolve to continue with my fitness routine and to continue to lose weight. I know how much I need to lose and it is possible to do it by the end of 2011, but I don't know if I really want to do that, especially if we decide to have another baby this year. I'm just going to continue what I was doing and make a few improvements here and there.
The other thing I resolve to do is to have more patience in life and with my child. Because this stage of his life is driving me crazy and I need to learn to breath and not yell so much.
So that's it. Very attainable goals = happy me.
Patience is a great resolution. I might have to think about that one too! :)