
Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight le film

Okay, so I saw Twilight yesterday afternoon. I went with two of my friends and some of their friends/family-types. My friend S is a huge Twilight fan esp. Edward and I am a big fan too but I can laugh at some of the idiocy that happens and she takes it more seriously. That being said, we laughed through the whole first part of the movie esp. when Edward meets Bella in science class and the look on his face is some crazy like he's going to vomit on her. There were parts that we intentionally funny and then there were the parts that weren't. Anyway, I liked it but I might do better with a second viewing. I liked the kiss scene and Bella's crazy hormonal thing and that they showed them talking and getting to know each other. But the sleep watching thing was way creepy in real life and I'm glad they didn't show it much and their obsession with each other was crazier since it was illustrated better for how short a time they knew each other.
Also there should have been more Emmett.

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