
Monday, March 22, 2010

Thoughts about timing babies

I'll be honest.  There is a part of me that wants to have another baby right now.  I miss having a sweet little baby to hold and cuddle.  I liked being pregnant.  And there is such possibility when you are pregnant.  And I don't want to be too old.  I know I'm only 31, but the older you get and so on and I don't want to be too old. 

But I have my little boy who is 3 and so sweet and wonderful.  And he is just beginnning to be affectionate where he will tell me he loves me and give me spontaneous kisses and hugs.  And, yes, we are in the middle of the terrible questions "3's" which is maddening, but he is just so great.  And throwing a baby into the mix wouldn't work out great right now.

I really want him to potty trained before another baby which is what we are struggling with right now.  I need him to understand and take direction and to be more gentle (ha!).  He is getting to the phase where he is interested in babies and thinks they are cute. (The other day my aunt's neighbor came over with her 6 month old and he said she was so cute.  Of course, he said the same thing about the dog...)  It really would be better for him to be closer to kindergarden and that way he'd have his own stuff and would be a better big brother.  There are many other reasons not related to Bub for why we need to wait, money is a big one, my lack of vacation time is another.   But I sometimes I still yearn for a little baby right now.


  1. I had my babies 4 years apart and I think that is perfect but sometimes wish I they would have been 2 years apart. No one is ever really ready for a baby financially. I think your little 3 year old is ready. He'll be potty trained by the time the baby arrives. I say GO FOR IT!!! Hey but what do I know..hehehe

  2. Good luck! I hope you get your heart's desire.

    Side note: 31 is not too old!
