A is for aggressive. Yes, I can agree to that. My husband would say I was pretty aggressive. I know how to stand up for myself, even when it gets me into trouble. I also know how to keep my mouth shut so I stay out of trouble.
N is for Natural. I try to eat and use organic products. I don't wear a ton of makeup so I usually look more "natural." I assume this is what it was referring too.
D is for Delicious. I don't know how to response to that.
R is for Remarkable. Why yes, thank you, but really I have done nothing wholly remarkable in my life. I'm the 3rd person on my dad's side to get a Master's and the 1st on my mom's side. On my mom's side I'm the 2nd to even get a Bachelor's (my sister is the other one). That can be remarkable, I guess.
E is for Enlightened. I'm not a very spiritual person by far, but I do strive to empathize with others. I am always trying to be better; a better person; a better wife; a better mother. I try to recognize my faults and overcome them. This is a hard thing to do and I'm not always great at it.
A is for Athletic. This is apparently when the name analyzer gave up because I am the least athletic person I know. I was never really into sports but I played softball for about 3 years or so when I was around 7ish to 10ish maybe. I started dancing when I was 6 and did that until I was 12, then we moved and I gave it up (which I bitterly regret). Now I do nothing athletic, although I am getting a bike for my birthday next month...
So that is my name completely analyzed.
My favorite is 'Delicious.' Could they really not think of other D words? Delightful, Darling, Dear, Daring, Dangerous, Deadly, Determined, Divine, Dynamic...